
Spiritual Mentoring

Spirituality is…

Our response to a longing for a deeper, more complete encounter with Something or Someone we know in our bones is present. We yearn to feel the embrace of this Beloved, and so we dance.

Experiencing our inseparable connection to all that is, and nurturing that relationship 

A Love relationship with Source, with Divinity (as you understand It), a connection that may or may not involve participation in a religious tradition

Encounters…intentional ones and those that surprise us

Traveling beyond belief

Being in love with the Source of Love and Beauty

Dancing with Mystery in the spirit of trust and curiosity

Breathing into what is so in this moment

Intended to create loving action and service to the Whole

Spiritual Mentoring is...

Jim Galluzzo writes, “Bearing witness gives testimony to the truth and to authenticity by helping the traveler give witness to the authentic self…. The guide starts from the premise that the traveler is a human being who is good, worthy, loveable, and capable.” 

I will bear witness to you and your life.

All are welcome here, regardless of religious identification, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, personal history, appearance, and ability.


Who I work with

I love working with people who are committed to their unique, authentic spiritual journey and who are ready to venture "further up and further in," as C.S. Lewis invites us through one of his Chronicles of Narnia characters. 

During this time of social upheaval, I'm particularly drawn to supporting people who are devoted to cultivating a truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive community, particularly when it comes to race, sexual orientation, and gender. It's time to finish the work of dismantling racism and homophobia in our systems and culture, in our hearts and minds. As a White man, I actively ally with Black Lives Matter and people of all colors. As a straight, cisgender man, I also actively support people who identify as LGBTQ+. 

Once again, ALL are welcome here, regardless of religious identification, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, personal history, appearance, and ability.

If payment of fees would cause you financial hardship, we offer alternatives such as scholarships and barter. Please don't let money keep you from seeking support. 

Integrative Life Coaching