Legacy Project:
My Stories

The Legacy Project celebrates you and your life. 

You are worth knowing wholly, and you are worth being your whole self.

Your stories contain treasures of unimaginable wealth. Through a variety of activities, you will explore your stories as they guide you to discoveries that can help you be increasingly authentic. And the world needs the gifts of your authentic self....

Exploressing My Stories

Re-framing My Stories

There is so much more to who we are than what we currently know. 

Our perceptions of ourselves are always incomplete, to some degree, and sometimes inaccurate. 

For example, for many years after being sexually assaulted by a religious leader, I considered myself a victim. Many years later, by diving into my stories and memories, mining them for insight, I discovered I was also a survivor. I was far more powerful than my attacker's sickness. Exploring my stories, I realized that what helped me survive was my yearning for and capacity to love. 

That reality was always there, even during the years when I saw myself as a victim. Both were true at the same time.

Now I focus on being a powerful survivor. That changes the way I live my life. 

I wonder: what else is true about me that I have not yet discovered?

What is true about you that you don't yet know?

The Experiences includes...

When held at Telios Farm, the 6-hour Experience for 10-15 participants includes: 

Price: $

When held at an off-site event space, any additional costs associated with the rental of that space will be added. If travel and lodging for Tom are necessary, those costs will also be added.

* If cost is a barrier for you, please contact me to discuss alternative arrangements, sponsorship, or trade.